Euro MPs give support to intra-corporate transferees and their families.
26 January 2012Euro MPs give support to intra-corporate transferees and their families
Permits Foundation welcomes today’s vote on the Intra-Corporate Transfer (ICT) Directive in the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs committee. The vote represents an important step towards a more attractive Europe for international companies, intra-corporate transferees and their families.
The foundation is particularly pleased with two new provisions for family members. MEPs voted strongly in favour of two amendments; the first would make it easier for families to arrive in the EU at the same time as the intra-corporate employee and the second allows them to be employed or self-employed during the assignment.
Permits Foundation Board Member Kathleen van der Wilk Carlton stated,
“These changes will help to achieve the aim of the Directive – namely to make the EU an attractive place to do business, thereby helping the EU economy.”
The Directive is one of a range of measures in the EU’s developing policies on migration. It will create common entry and residence procedures and rights for highly qualified employees being transferred for up to three years to the EU by international companies. Permits Foundation has raised awareness of the needs of family members during these temporary moves. The foundation’s global survey showed that around a quarter of international staff had either turned down a previous assignment or terminated an assignment early because of concerns about the partner’s career. Around 85% of accompanying partners are women. Allowing partners to work means that they can contribute to society, share and develop their skills. This also facilitates their return to employment when they go back to their home country.
Mrs. van der Wilk-Carlton added:
“The vote in committee is significant because it showed politicians from across national and political groupings backing an improvement to the Commission’s original proposals on family matters. There is a strong need for EU-wide clarity and assurance for ICT families and we hope to see today’s changes reflected in the views from the European Council.”
Notes for the press:
Permits Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes work authorisation for expatriate partners worldwide. More than 40 major international companies including AkzoNobel, AstraZeneca, BMW, Bosch, BT, Chevron, Ericsson, GlaxoSmithKline, PwC, Schlumberger, Shell, Rio Tinto, Unilever and TNT support Permits Foundation.
The Foundation has been successful in contributing to change in the USA, France, The Netherlands, Hong Kong, India and Malaysia. It is currently promoting improvements throughout the European Union and several countries in Asia and is working to raise awareness worldwide.