How do you approach countries that are reluctant to change?
We listen to and respond to concerns. We aim to provide quality research that helps governments understand the importance of partner employment access within in a managed migration policy for highly skilled international staff.
We can also help a host country to compare its regulations with those of other countries, including best international practices. With help from local networks including our sponsors and other employers, embassies and chambers of commerce, we organise meetings so that the authorities can hear directly from stakeholders. We aim to show that where changes have been made in other countries, they help to make the location more attractive to international businesses, public sector organisations, and highly skilled staff – and that this would be beneficial to the economy and local employment prospects.
If there were any reservations, we would seek concessions such as pilot schemes, or regulations related to particular skill levels or professions that meet the needs of the local economy. From there, it should be possible to develop in a way that all countries can eventually accommodate.