Launch of Permits Foundation’s International Dual Careers Survey 2021
05 October 2021Permits Foundation is delighted to announce the launch of our International Dual Careers Survey 2021.
With this timely survey aimed at both global mobility professionals and partners of international employees, we look to capture the views of the widest audience we have ever reached.
Click here to access the Permits Foundation International Dual Careers Survey 2021
Why we are carrying out this survey
Permits Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit initiative supported by major international companies and other organisations. We carry out advocacy at government level and world-wide to help enable employment access for spouses and partners of highly-skilled mobile workers. A sound evidence base is fundamental to the Foundation’s advocacy work and our ability to bring about policy change. We want to know if and how attitudes to partner employment access have shifted, particularly in recent years.
As well as tracking what has changed since our first survey in 2008, we ask questions relating to the types of international assignment being taken now and by whom, willingness to travel in the aftermath of the pandemic, mobile families’ concerns around health and safety and impact on well-being. The survey is also looking at the partner assistance that organisations are giving, if there is increased duty of care and how visible support for dual careers is in company diversity, equity and inclusion policy.
You are invited to take part in the survey if you are:
- An HR manager or similar in an international company, organisation, university or research institute. You work in the field of global mobility, talent management or immigration.
- A spouse or partner of a highly-skilled international employee.
The survey consists of approximately 30 questions and takes around 15 minutes to complete. Participants are directed to the set of questions that best reflect their perspective (either global mobility professional or partner). The survey will run until 30 November. Once the data has been collected, we will share our survey report findings with our network and with government decision makers in support of our advocacy work.
All responses will be treated confidentially and in accordance with our privacy statement. No persons will be individually identifiable in the results.
For questions or further information about the survey, please contact the Permits Foundation team at: