Become A Sponsor
Becoming a sponsor will help to bring about sustainable improvements to work permit legislation affecting family members of highly skilled international employees. This will support your HR strategy and reduce the cost and upheaval of assignment refusal and early return. It will also underpin your policies on mobility and dual careers, equal opportunity and social responsibility and your image as an attractive, best practice, international employer. If you are a service provider, it will demonstrate to your clients how you are helping to improve global mobility.
Please contact us at if you wish to become a sponsor.
How It Works
Sponsors pay an annual donation. Our Board currently recommends a donation of € 7,700. This is not a fee for services, but a contribution to the work of the Foundation in line with our not-for-profit status. The actual level is at your discretion and does not involve a contractual commitment.
When you become a sponsor, we will ask you to give us:
■ a list of your countries of interest
■ a main contact person in your organisation to receive our newsletters and sponsor meeting invitations
■ permission to add your logo and corporate link on our Sponsor page
In carrying out our advocacy, Permits Foundation highlights our sponsors, but never mentions individuals, organisations or company names unless given permission to do so.
Getting More Involved
If you wish to be more actively involved, we encourage your local representatives to take part in our country networks, or to help set up a new network in a country of your choice. These networks help us to plan our lobby efforts taking account of the local economic, social and political climate. You can also help in very practical ways by spreading the word, posting a link on your website, writing articles and inviting us to speak at conferences.
Sponsors can also nominate a board member or patron of the Foundation. The board of directors approves strategy and finances. Companies represented on the board help with a range of pro bono support in addition to their annual donation. In strategic matters, the Foundation operates independently and consults regularly with all its sponsors.
Further Resources
Access our at-a-glance benefits of sponsorship document.
Please visit our Resources section for useful briefing materials.